Fees, Registration & Forms
*Click here for 2025
*Schedule & Policies subject to change without notice*
Enrollment & Payments: Our program operates on a month to month billing and enrollment cycle. Any enrolled child will automatically have priority enrollment in their current class. This will ensure your child’s spot in the class.
- You must maintain a current form of payment on your account. Enrollment & charges for the next month will occur on the 1st of each month. A debit or credit card MC/VISA/DISCOVER is accepted.
- If your form of payment is rejected when charged on the 1st day of the month a fee of $15 will be added to your account. This covers the cost of us reaching out to you and resolving the issue.
- You may pay in the office up to 7 days prior to the first day of the month. Your child’s spot is not guaranteed until a payment is received. Check, cash, debit, MC/VISA/DISCOVER accepted.
- You may move or add a class into any of the same level classes anytime as long as there are openings in that class. Remember keeping a consistent coaching staff has a large impact on your child’s progression.
- Moving into a new level of classes (Beginning 2 to Intermediate 1) will require testing and approval. Although we would prefer moving a student to a new level and class take place at the start of each month, this can be done at any time with approval and a current class opening.
- To drop from the program you must speak to an office staff at least 15 days prior to the first of the next month.
- If you request a drop after the 1st of the month, please review the procedures on the General Policies information (all requests require speaking to an office personal directly).
Tuition: All monthly fees are based on an average of 4.2 weeks per month. With an enrollment of 1 day per week your child could have 4 or 5 lessons included depending on the day(s) of enrollment. Over the course of many months this equals out to the average of 4.2 weeks per month. The 4.2 week figure is taking into consideration holidays, as a full 52 week year by 12 months is actually 4.33 weeks.
- If any student has less than 4 weeks of lessons due to holidays, your monthly fee will be automatically prorated.
- Adding or reducing the number of classes per week or moving to a higher level will cause an adjustment in charges or credits.
- A yearly $50.00 registration fee will be due upon registering to cover the cost of secondary insurance for your child. We will charge this fee annually. This fee is non-refundable.
- There are no refunds once a student starts their first class for the month: When you pay, we are reserving your child’s spot in class, therefore we cannot give refunds. If personal situations/injuries keep the student from attending more than 50% of the month, please notify our office immediately. Failure to do so will result in you being responsible for tuition until we are notified that your child is temporarily or permanently dropping class. Keeping up to date records is difficult without knowing what your intentions are. Help us help you by maintaining class size integrity.
Dates and Forms:
Dates: January 2nd-31st, 2025
*We will be closed Wednesday, January 1st for the holiday. Make-ups will not be needed.
Open Enrollment: January 24th-31st, 2025
Testing: January 20th-25th, 2025
Dates: February 1st-28th, 2025
Open Enrollment: February 24th-28th, 2025
Testing: No Testing
REQUIRED Registration Forms:
In order to register for any class at Charter Oak Gymnastics, all forms must be signed on your Customer Portal Account. To access your Customer Portal Account, please go to the Home Page and select the Customer Portal Link button.
Registration Form (Click for a Printable form)
General Policies & Guidelines Form (Click for a Printable form)
Tuition Refund Policy
There are no refunds once a student starts their first class for the session. If personal situations/injuries keep the student from attending more than 50% of the session, please notify our office immediately and a credit will be placed on your account. Please see our General Policies for more information.
Parks & Recreation Programs:
For the cities of Glendora parks and recreation participants that enter our facility all parents must sign and return to our office the below waiver. THIS ONLY NEEDS TO BE DONE ONE TIME PER FAMILY. Once we have a valid waiver (2025 waiver) on file you do not need to do this again.
You may print out this form and bring to Charter Oak Gymnastics Gliders on or before the first day of class. (Click for a Printable form)
You can find the Glendora P & R guide to classes here Glendora P & R link